Exhibit 10.1
Joint Venture Agreement
Party A: Hainan Savy Investment Management Ltd.
乙方:Akers Biosciences, Inc.
Party B: Akers Biosciences, Inc.
丙方:Thomas Knox
Party C: Thomas Knox
本协议由甲乙丙三方于 2014 年_10_月_24_日在中国海口市签订。甲方为根据中华人民共和国法律合法成立的中国公司,乙方为根据美国法律合法成立的美国公司,丙方为具有完全民事行为能力的自然人。基于平等互利的合作原则,各方同意在中国海口市成立合资企业海南赛维埃克斯生物科技有限公司,以研发、生产和销售乙方的相关产品。为此,特立约如下:
This Agreement (the “agreement”) is executed on October 24th 2014 by and among Party A ,Party B and Party C in Haikou City, China. Party A is a corporation duly organized and validly existing under the laws of People’s Republic of China. Party B is a corporation duly organized and validly existing under the laws of the United States. Party C is a natural person with full capacity for civil conduct. On the bases of equality and mutual benefit, the parties agree to set up a Joint Venture named Hainan Savy-Akers Biosciences, Inc. in Haikou City, China, in purpose of researching, developing, producing and selling relative products of Party B.
THEREFORE, Party A, Party B and party C agree as follows:
第一条 定义
Article 1 Definitions
In this Agreement, the following terms have the
following meanings unless the context clearly dictates otherwise.
1.“Joint Venture” means the corporation
to be organized pursuant to the provisions of Article 2 hereto.
2.“Products or Licensed Product” means
rapid diagnostic screening and testing products.
第二条 建立合资公司
Article 2 Formation of Joint Venture
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1. Party A, Party B and Party C shall spare no
efforts for the organization of Joint Venture under the laws of the People's Republic of China.
2. The name of Joint Venture is
Hainan Savy-Akers Biosciences Ltd. with its legal address:_______.
3. All activities of Joint Venture shall comply
with the provisions of the laws, decrees and pertinent regulations of the People's Republic of China.
4. Joint Venture shall take the form of a limited
liability company. The profits, risks and losses of Joint Venture shall be shared by Party A , Party B and Party C in proportion
to the contributions to the registered capital.
5. The expenses of organizing Joint Venture shall
be equally undertaken by Party A, Party B and Party C.
第三条 生产经营的目的、范围和规模
Article 3 Purpose, Scope and Size of
1. 各方合资经营的目的是:本着加强经济合作和扩大技术交流的愿望,有效发挥技术和管理优势,开发新产品,提高产品质量,提高市场竞争能力,创造良好的经济效益。
2. 合资公司生产和销售快速诊断和筛查产品。合资公司将努力改进产品,提高管理水平,拓展产品市场,扩大生产规模,满足中国市场需求。
3. 合资公司努力研发新的许可产品,优化产品结构,在中国形成产品优势,满足中国和国际市场的发展需要。
In line with the aspiration of enhancing economic cooperation and expanding technical exchange, the purpose of Joint Venture is
to use state-of-the-art and appropriate technology and equipment with efficient management systems, to develop new product, improve
product quality and market competitiveness, creating good economic benefits.
2. Joint Venture is to produce and sell rapid diagnostic
screening and testing products. Joint Venture shall do its best to improve Product and management, expanding market and production,
to meet the Chinese market demand.
3. Joint Venture shall make every effort to develop
new varieties of Licensed Product, optimize product structure, and form product superiority in China, in order to meet
market development demand both in China and the world.
Article 4 Capital Structure
1. 合资公司的注册资本为人民币5000万,其中甲方出资56%,乙方出资19.9%,丙方出资24.1%。
2. 合资各方首期缴付出资额为200万元人民币,按股份比例出资:
现金:人民币 112 万元;
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(2) 乙方出资
(3) 丙方出资
3. 合资公司各方应在2014年11月25日前交付其出资。如延迟交付出资应交纳利息或赔偿因此而造成的损失。
4. 合资各方中任何一方转让其出资额,须经另外两方同意和中国政府批准,另外两方享有优先购买权。
The registered capital of Joint Venture shall be RMB 50 million. Party A shall contribute 56% of the registered
capital, Party B shall contribute 19.9% and Party C shall contribute 24.1%.
The initial contribution of the registration capital is totally RMB 2 million. Party A, Party B and Party C shall
contribute the capital according to the investment proportion.
A) Party
A's contributions include
Cash: RMB 1.12 million;
Party A's contributions include
Cash: RMB 0.398 million;(Contributed
in equivalent of foreign currency, with the benchmark exchange rate published by the People's Bank of China on the date of such
Party C's contributions include
Cash: RMB 0.482 million;(Contributed
in equivalent of foreign currency, with the benchmark exchange rate published by the People's Bank of China on the date of such
3. Each Party of Joint Venture shall pay in its
contributions before November 25th, 2014. Any delay in payment will be subject to a payment of interest or a compensation
for the loss occurred therein.
4. The transfer of one Party's share in the registered
capital shall be effective with the prior consent of the other Parties and approval of Chinese government and the latter shall
enjoy priority to purchase it.
第五条 合资各方在合作中的具体责任
Article 5 Responsibility and obligation of each party
1. | 甲方责任: |
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1. Responsibility and obligation of Party A:
A) Pay in contribution according to the provision of Article 4;
A) Incorporation of Joint Venture in China;
B) Handling with land use permission or renting factory or building facilities;
C) Assist with Joint Venture in design and construction of factory or other project;
D) Pay in contribution according to the provision of Article 4;
E) Assist with Joint Venture in the import entry of production equipments;
F) Assist with Joint Venture in the purchasing or renting equipments, materials, office appliance, transportation vehicle, communication facilities;
G) Assist with Joint Venture in making condition for production and operation, such as water, electricity, transportation etc.;
H) Assist with Joint Venture in recruiting management staff, technicians, workers and other staff required;
I) Assist with Joint Venture in applying the related residence permit, visa, work permit etc;
J) Assist with Joint Venture in applying and registration of product in State Food and Drug Administration (SFDA) in China;
K) Other matters entrusted by Joint Venture
2. 乙方责任:
(7) 在乙方选择产品或原材料供应商时,在同等条件下应优先选择但不保证合资企业作为其相关产品或原材料的供应商。
2. Responsibility and obligation of Party B:
A) Pay in contribution according to the provision of Article 4;
B) Assist with Joint Venture in purchasing equipments and materials in international market;
C) Assist with Joint Venture in equipment installment and debugging, and provide technicians required for the trial production;
D) Assist with Joint Venture in training technicians and workers;
E) Provide the requested technical information (product application and registration information in American FDA, eg. formula, technology etc ) for the application and registration of products in SFDA in China.
F) Assist with Joint Venture in developing new products, providing technology support and accelerating the process of local production in China.
G) Party B shall give preference, but does not guarantee, to Joint Venture, provided that Joint Venture provides best pricing, as supplier for raw materials, components, and relative products when searching suppliers.
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3. 丙方责任:
3. Responsibility and obligation of Party C:
A) Pay in contribution according to the provision of Article 4;
B) Assist with Joint Venture in marketing products in international markets;
Article 6 Patent Licensing Arrangement
1. 乙方同意合资公司可以无偿使用下列独家许可:
(4) 经乙方同意,合资公司可在任何国家使用乙方专利和商标进行产品销售。
(5) 乙方专利列明于附件A。
1. Party B agrees to grant Joint Venture the following
exclusive licenses:
A) An exclusive license in China to manufacture,
use and sell Licensed Product under Party B's Patents.
B) An exclusive license in China to use Trademark
in marketing Licensed Product.
C) An exclusive license in China to practice Party
B's know-how for manufacturing and marketing Licensed Product.
D) An exclusive license in any agreed countries to sell licensed products under Party B’s patents and to use trademark in marketing licensed products.
E ) Party B’s patents for license under this agreement are listed in schedule A.
F) Party A and Party B shall collaborate to file patents for the Joint Venture in Asia. All new patents filed by the Joint Venture shall be owned by the Joint Venture.
2. 为提高合资公司的技术竞争力以配合中国市场开拓需要,乙方同意在未来5年内无偿向合资公司授予或转让技术专利(限中国),协助合资公司逐步拥有国家发明专利和实用新型专利。
2. To enhance the technological competitiveness of Joint Venture for Chinese market development purpose, Party B acknowledge to grant and transfer Know-how and patent to Joint Venture (China only) for free in next 5 years and assist Joint Venture to gradually obtain national patents for invention and utility model patents.
第七条 产品销售
Article 7 Marketing Arrangements
1. 甲方协助合资公司在中国市场销售许可产品,乙方和丙方协助合资公司在中国之外市场销售许可产品。
2. 合资公司所需购买的原材料、半成品、燃料和配套件等,在条件相同的情况下,应首先在中国购买。当然,也可使用自己的外汇直接从世界市场购进。
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1. Party A shall assist Joint Venture in the sales of products in Chinese market; Party B and Party C shall assist Joint Venture in the sales of products in overseas market.
2. In purchase of the required raw materials and semi-processed products, fuels, auxiliary equipment etc., Joint Venture shall give first priority to Chinese sources where conditions are the same, but may also purchase them directly from the international market with its own foreign exchange funds.
第八条 董事会
Article 8 Board of Directors
1. 董事会是合资公司的最高领导机构,负责合资公司的主要事宜。
2. 董事会由5名董事组成,甲方占3名,乙方和丙方各占1名,首届董事会成员如下:马俊宁、文小凡、马海燕、Thomas
Knox、 Raymond Akers。其中董事长由甲方指定,副董事长由丙方指定。董事的任期为3年,任期届满可以延长。
3. 董事会每年召开两次,原则上在合资公司的法定地址举行。出席会议的法定人数不得少于董事人数的2/3。若董事不能出席会议,应授权代表出席会议,代表他投票。
4. 对于下列问题,必须经出席会议的董事一致通过,方可作出决定:
(5) 转让持有的合资公司权益给第三方;
1. The Board of Directors is the top leadership
of Joint Venture. It is responsible for all major issues concerning Joint Venture.
2. The Board of Directors shall be consisted of
5 directors, of whom 3 including the chairman shall be appointed by party A, one shall be appointed by Party B and the deputy chairman
shall be appointed by Party C. The first term of board members shall be consisted by Marco Ma, Wendy Wen, Hellen Ma, Thomas Knox,
and Raymond Akers. The office term for the directors is 3 years, which may be renewed in the expiration of office terms.
3. Board meetings shall generally be held at the
location of Joint Venture's legal address, twice each year. A quorum for a meeting shall consist of not fewer than two thirds (2/3)
of the directors. Should any director be unable to attend the meeting, he shall authorize a representative to be present at the
meeting and vote for him.
In case a director dies, resigns, or is otherwise unable to fulfill his duties prior to the fulfillment of his term, the Parties
agree to cooperate fully to have as his replacement a director nominated by the Party, or his/her nominee, that nominated the director
whose death, resignation or other conditions created the vacancy.
4. Decisions on the following items shall be made
only when unanimously agreed upon by the directors present at the Board meeting.
(1) Amendment to the articles of incorporation
of Joint Venture.
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Termination and dissolution of Joint Venture.
(3) Increase or assignment of the registered capital
of Joint Venture.
(4) Merger of Joint Venture with another economic
(5) Issuance of ownership interest in Joint Venture to third parties.
New product development whose research expenses exceed RMB 65000 .
Decisions on other items shall be made by a simple
majority vote of the directors present at the meeting.
第九条 管理
Article 9 Management
1. 合资公司设经营管理机构,负责企业的日常经营管理工作。
2. 经营管理机构设总经理1人,副总经理3人。总经理由董事会聘请,负责执行董事会的决议和日常管理工作。副总经理协助总经理工作。
1. Joint Venture shall establish a management office
which shall be responsible for daily management of Joint Venture.
2. The management office shall have a general manager
and three deputy general managers. The general manager shall be hired by the board and is responsible for the implementation of
the decisions of the Board and daily operation. The deputy managers shall assist the general manager in his duties.
3. The management office may have its subdivisions,
the duties of which are to manage different business departments under the leadership of the general manager.
第十条 劳动管理
Article 10 Labor management
1. 合资公司的中方专家.技术人员、工人和其他人员由甲方招聘;合资公司的外方专家由乙方招聘。
2. 合资公司的专家.职员或工人的雇用、辞退、工资、劳动保险、生活福利和奖惩等项,由董事会按照《中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法实施条例》决定。
1. Party A agrees to help Joint Venture to invite
and recruit Chinese experts, technicians, workers and other personnel and Party B agrees to help Joint Venture to invite and recruit
foreign experts.
2. The employment and dismissal, wages, insurance,
welfare, bonuses, and fines of its experts, staff members and workers shall be decided by the Board of Directors according to “Regulations
for the Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Chinese Foreign Joint Venture”.
条十一条 财务与会计
Article 11 Financial Affairs and Accounting
1. 协议各方充分认识到,基于合资各方和合资公司的最大利益,必须尽一切可能扩大企业规模。因此,对合资公司每一年的利润,董事会同意留存足够的公积金用于扩大再生产,其余部分用于公益金、股东分红、员工奖励等。
2. 合资公司雇用合格的财务人员和审计员,设立会计帐目,合资各方可随时查看有关帐目。合资公司应在每个季度结束后的30天内向本协议下的合资方提供季度财务报表。
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3. 合资公司的财政年度自1月1日至12月31日。合资公司的净收入,在扣除储备金.奖金和企业发展奖金以后,根据各方出资在注册资本中占的比例进行分配。红利以人民币支付。
The parties hereto acknowledge that, in the best interests of all parties and Joint Venture, all parties shall take all measures
to increase enterprise scale. Therefore, the Board of Directors agree to retain sufficient public reserved funds from annual earnings
of Joint Venture annually for use of expanding production, while the rest shall be used as public welfare fund, profit distribution
to shareholders and employee incentives etc. The annual proportion of the earnings to be retained and dividend distribution shall
be determined by the Board of Directors and shall be based on the pro rata ownership interest of the shareholders.
2. Joint Venture shall employ competent treasurers
and auditors to keep all books of accounts, which are accessible at any time to each Party hereto, the Joint Venture shall provide
quarterly financial statements within 30 days from the end of each quarter.
3. The fiscal year of Joint Venture shall begin
on January 1st and end on December 31st. The net profit of Joint Venture shall be distributed between the Parties to Joint Venture
in proportion to their respective ownership in the registered capital after the deduction therefrom of the reserve funds, the bonus
and the expansion funds of Joint Venture. Dividends shall be paid in RMB currency.
Article 12 Tax
1. 合资公司应按照中华人民共和国的法律纳税。
2. 合资公司的职员和工人必须按照《中华人民共和国个人所得税》纳税。
3. 合资公司进出口货物根据中华人民共和国的法律缴纳或减免关税。
1. Joint Venture shall pay taxes in accordance
with the relevant laws of the People's Republic of China.
2. The staff members and workers employed by Joint
Venture shall pay individual income tax according to the Individual Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China.
3. Joint Venture shall pay or exempt from customs
duty and industrial and commercial consolidated tax on goods imported or exported in accordance with the relevant laws of the People's
Republic of China.
第十三条 合资期限
Article 13 Duration of Joint Venture
1. 合资期限应由董事会全体成员一致表决决定。合资公司的成立日期为合资公司营业执照签发之日。
1. The duration of Joint Venture shall be determined
by unanimous vote of the Board of Directors, which begins on the date when Joint Venture is issued the business license.
第十四条 解散与清算
Article 14 Dissolution and Liquidation
Upon announcement of the dissolution of Joint Venture,
its Board of Directors shall work out procedures and principles for the liquidation and set up a liquidation committee.
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matters concerning the dissolution and liquidation of Joint Venture shall be dealt with in accordance with the relevant laws of
the People's Republic of China.
Article 15 Arbitration
All disputes, controversies or differences which
may arise between the Parties hereto, out of or in relation to this Agreement and which the Board of Directors fails to settle
it through consultation, shall finally be submitted to arbitration which shall be conducted by the China International Economic
and Trade Arbitration Commission, the decision of which shall be final and binding upon both parties.
Article 16 Amendment
This Agreement may be amended during the duration
of this Agreement by the Parties, provided that such amendment shall be in writing and signed by all Parties and shall be approved
by the competent agency of the government of the People's Republic of China.
Article 17 Force Majeure
1. 本协议任何一方因地震、火灾、洪、爆炸、风暴、事故和战争等不可抗力事件,未能履行协议,不构成违约或索赔之缘由。
2. 遭受不可抗力事件一方必须立即书面通知另一方,并在书面通知后10天内提交当地主管部门出具的证明文件,供各方据以友好合理地解决有关问题。
1. Any failure or delay in the performance by either
Party hereto of its obligations under this Agreement shall not constitute a breach hereof or give rise to any claims for damages
if it is caused by the following occurrences beyond the control of the Parties: earthquake, fire, floods, explosions, storms, accidents,
2. The Party affected by force majeure event shall
immediately notify the other Party about the event in written form, and submit within 10 days after the written notice the certified
documents issued by a public competent organization at the place where the force majeure event has taken place, with which all
the Parties hereto shall settle the problem in a friendly and reasonable way.
Article 18 Notice
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notice required or permitted under the provisions of this Agreement shall be in writing and addressed as follows:
Party A: Talang Garden, East Wenjing Road, Haidian
Island, Haikou City, China .
Party B: 201 Grove Road, Thorofare, N.J. 08086
Party C: 50 South 16th Street, Suite 2710 Philadelphia,
PA 19102
Notice shall be deemed to have been given on the
date of mailing except the notice of change of address which shall be deemed to have been given when received.
The time shall be calculated according to that of the time zone of the addresser or sender.
Article 19 Sole Agreement
This Agreement constitutes the entire and only
Agreement between the Parties hereto and supersedes and nullifies all prior agreements, commitments, expressed or implied, among
the Parties hereto.
第二十条 适用法律
Article 20 Governing Law
The formation, validation, interpretation and performance
of this Agreement are governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China.
Article 21 Language
Agreement shall be executed by the Parties hereto in both Chinese version and English version, each of which shall be binding upon
all Parties. But the Chinese version shall prevail in the event of any discrepancy between the two said versions.
This agreement shall be executive in seven copies
with each party holding two copies and the rest copy is for handling relative formalities by Joint Venture. Each copy has the same
legal effect.
【Followed by signature page】
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【签字页/Signature page】
甲方签章: | |||
By: | |||
Party A:Hainan Savy-Akers Biosciences Ltd. | |||
乙方签章: | |||
By: | |||
Party B:Akers Biosciences, Inc. | |||
丙方签章: | |||
By: | |||
Party C:Thomas Knox | |||
2014年 10 月 24 日 | |||
Date:October 24, 2014 |
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